An emperor cannot keep the empire within the four seas unless he is benevolent; a feudal lord cannot preserve the altars to the gods of earth and grain unless he is benevolent. 天子不仁,不保四海;诸侯不仁,不保社稷。(《孟子》)
In our CASE study, the inspector is equivalent to a feudal lord. 在我们的案例中,监察员犹如封建社会的地主。
At its heart was a social contract between employer and employee that some have compared to the relationship between daimyo feudal lord and samurai retainer. 该体制的核心是雇主和员工之间的一种社会契约,有人把它比作大名封建主和武士家臣之间的关系。
This is "dragon city feudal lord, the counterattack with elegant Ma" the biggest game characteristic. 这是《龙城领主&玛雅的逆袭》最大的游戏特色。
A feudal lord exercising sovereign power over his lands. 领主在领土上实施最高权利的封建主。
Of or relating to the relation of a feudal vassal to his lord. 属于封臣和领主间的封建关系,或有关这种关系。
Tribute, service, or rent paid by a feudal tenant to a lord. 交租封建时代佃农向领主缴纳或提供的贡品、劳役或租税。
Qixia Mou's Manor is the largest feudal lord manor in north China, with most complete storage and most typical characteristics; 栖霞牟氏庄园是中国北方规模最大、保存最完整、最具典型特徵的封建地主庄园;
The fidelity owed by a vassal to his feudal lord. 效忠诸侯对封建领主的忠诚。
The system of ownership of property in the United States, meaning free from any claims or rights of a monarch or a feudal lord. 美国物业所有权制度,即免除一切君主或封建主的拥有权或权力。
It probably was the seat of a feudal lord, the Count of Yan. 它可能是封建领主燕伯治所。
One legend has it that the Battle commemorates a popular rebellion of the13th century, when the local poor deemed the largess of their feudal lord as inadequate, and threw it back in his face. 一种传说是为一次战役纪念十三世纪的反抗,当地的贫苦人们认为赠送贡品给它们的封建地主是不适当的,同时投掷橙子到地主的脸上。
Han Dynasty Emperor Zhu, in the feudal lord king passes after the technique, has the academic attainments to have its person greatly, many people have the high political culture accomplishment. 汉代诸帝、诸侯王中通经术、有学术造诣者很多,不少人具有较高的政治文化素养。
Manorial land retained for the private use of a feudal lord. 宅邸为封建地主私人使用的邸宅土地。
A feudal lord who was lord to his own tenants on land held from a superior lord. 从上层领主获取土地后成为他自己承租人的领主的封建地主。
In feudal land law, the Commission of a felony by a tenant caused his land to pass to his lord. 在采邑的土地法律中,佃户的严重犯罪行为可导致其保有的土地转利到地主名下。
Dueling this time, Guizhou mational area started and has gradually completed in the overall to transform from the feudal lord to feudal territorialism. 这一时期,贵州民族地区开始并在总体上逐步完成了由封建领主制向封建地主制的社会转型。
The costume or insigniaworn by the retainers of a feudal lord. 装束封建主的随从所穿的服装或所戴标志。
( medieval Europe) a person who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord. (中世纪的欧洲)被束缚在土地上的人被地主所拥有。
The feudal lord squeezed the peasants with heavy taxes. 封建领主以重税压榨农民。
All the above changes are very different from the manors in the first stage, which indicates that "the feudal lord manors" has formed, and it has became the main form of the manors in Japan since the 10th century. 所有这些变革都显示了与初期庄园明显不同的特征,表明了体制完备的领主制庄园已经形成,并且成为10世纪以后日本庄园的主要形态。
The former signifies the income associated with the Pope's status as a secular, feudal lord, and reflects the financial relationship between the Pope and the papal state. 前者是教皇担当世俗封建宗主而获得的收入,主要反映教皇与教皇国的财政关系;
The former was the feudal privilege revenue collected by kings based upon the status of largest lord in the country. 前者是国王依据全国最大封建领主的身份,所征收的封建特权收入。
Economical, political and social administrative system of feudal lords of this region became more perfect and tight. It forcefully ensured the political power of lord class. 该地区近代封建领主的政治、经济、社会管理体系更加完善、严密,有力地保证了领主阶级政权的运转。
The Spring and Autumn Period Warring States time, the feudal lord chaos caused by war successive years, the ritual collapses is wild with joy, the gentleman person rises, hundred school of thought contends, thought theory having achieved great achievements. 春秋战国时期,诸侯战乱连年,礼崩乐坏,士人崛起,百家争鸣,思想理论硕果累累。
As the biggest feudal lord of Western Europe in the Middle Ages, Church trafficked surplus production from land to all parts of the Western Europe through various market priorities, for the purpose of gaining large amounts of economic interest. 教会作为中世纪西欧最大的封建主,利用各种市场特权和通行权将土地剩余产品贩运到西欧各地,获取巨额经济利益。
In addition, the conflict between the feudal lords and local peasants has been transferred and eased again and again by the invasion of foreign forces and go-all-out resistance of feudal lords, which objectively supported the existence and development of feudal lord system. 同时,封建领主对当地土民之间的矛盾也因这些外国势力入侵和封建土司举全力对外作战而得到一次次转移和缓解,客观上支持了封建领主制度的存在和发展。
The Western Zhou Dynasty feudal management mode is through the retainer to rule, feudal lord was not directly involved in. 西周时期采邑的管理模式是通过家臣来进行统治,采邑主并未直接参与。
The terrain was complex, including mountain, forest, Rivers, Swamp; manor belongs to people engaged in production and labor is generally by clan as a unit to provide services for the feudal lord. 采邑土田之地形复杂,包括山、林、川、泽;采邑中从事生产劳动的属民一般是以族氏为单位为采邑主提供服务。
Second, dissimilarity in geography and transportation of the two regions causes exotic economy to put various impacts on the feudal lord system which makes their development in Xishuangbanna and the west region in Guangxi different. 再者,两地地理交通差异导致外来经济与文化对封建领主制的冲击不同,进而导致桂西壮族和西双版纳傣族封建领主制发展情况不同。